Hello, my name is Niki Momcheva and Astrology is my vocation. I’ve been looking at the stars since I was little and I know there’s a lot to learn from them. This is also the main reason I started studying Astrology. I completed studies at the school of the Union of Bulgarian Astrologers “Ivan Stanchev” with teacher Kiril Goranov with a completed “Master” level. I studied Karmic Astrology with Rositsa Parmakova, a representative of the Moscow Academy of Astrology, as well as Medical Astrology and Psychosomatics at “Astrostudio – Center for Psychological Astrology” with teacher Rali Sertsanova. I continue to delve deeply into astropsychology, numerology, medical astrology and holistic healing, as well as crystal therapy.
Astrology is a language that can help us in the first place to get to know ourselves better, to connect with ourselves and to answer many questions that we have not found answers to before. It also helps us understand others better. The cycles and periods of the stars help us and can guide us when and how to act in a given situation or relationship, but they cannot solve our problems or make a decision for us, I strongly believe in a person’s free will.
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Our three module Courses
Every module is held ON Line in private ZOOM group and every lecture is recorded and uploaded in personal profile. Every lecture is available online for unlimited time for watching over and over.
Extensive learning – 18 lectures with 3 exercises in two months of active studying and practicing the basic mechanics in Western Astrology.
Long term learning – 18 lectures and 3 exercises in four months of active studying and practicing in the deep mechanics in Western Astrology.
Long term learning – 18 Lectures and 4 exercises in four months of active studying of Western, Indian, Chinese and Kabbalistic Astrology.
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We use a wide variety of esoteric and psychological methods that help us to understand you better and to be more accurate in giving you certain advise.
We work in the principle “What you give is what you receive” so we want to be your best option when you need a answers to your questions.

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