My name is Tsani Yordanova. I have studied a number of foreign languages such as Russian, English, Spanish, Hungarian and recently Chinese.
But the language that captivated me and I consider universal is that of self-knowledge and self-improvement. I fell in love with the stars and have been listening to their midnight whispers ever since…following their magical tale. For me, astrology is the “Earthly Hitchhiker’s Guide” and with its help I navigate my life.
With great pleasure and responsibility, I apply what I have learned so that more people can tap into the wisdom of the stars and receive support in good or difficult life situations.
Start Learning Astrology
and become better in everything!
You can enroll to our courses in Astrology and become a member of growing society
that helps people all over the world.
Our three module Courses
Every module is held ON Line in private ZOOM group and every lecture is recorded and uploaded in personal profile. Every lecture is available online for unlimited time for watching over and over.
Extensive learning – 18 lectures with 3 exercises in two months of active studying and practicing the basic mechanics in Western Astrology.
Long term learning – 18 lectures and 3 exercises in four months of active studying and practicing in the deep mechanics in Western Astrology.
Long term learning – 18 Lectures and 4 exercises in four months of active studying of Western, Indian, Chinese and Kabbalistic Astrology.
We Are Beyond
We use a wide variety of esoteric and psychological methods that help us to understand you better and to be more accurate in giving you certain advise.
We work in the principle “What you give is what you receive” so we want to be your best option when you need a answers to your questions.

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The Faces Behind our Success
We Couldn’t Do It Without Them