Live Sessions and Courses

Beginners 2024 Autumn

Here you will learn the basics of Astrology and meet it`s capabilities.


Можете да се включите в първата лекция на 01.10.2024 от 19:00 до 22:00 от тук

Everithing is based on cycles and everithing is obeyed by the law of time and energy. We are here to learn our lessons and to have a little fun in the spare time...

The course lasts for Two months, and the students are provided with the materials from the lectures included in the training (Presentations), online software and unique videos made at the time of the course.

Each recording of the lectures remains open with permanent access for the successful students.

In addition, there is an option to join the next beginner’s course for free, thus increasing the duration to four months.

OnLine training is through a custom ZOOM group.

The terrain on which the course is held is owned by Astrology & beyond …

It`s important to contact Kiril Goranov before enrolling to give you additional information on how the education process is structured.


The origins of astrology (ancient knowledge and modern look). Connection between Greek god pantheon and celestial bodies.

Brief history of the zodiac signs and constalations, Symbolism and connection to planets and many more…

Ptolemeic piramidal principle and the structure of the zodiac.

All about the Sun and the Moon and their positions in Signs, Houses and decanates.

All about the Mercury, Venus and Mars and their positions in Signs, Houses and decanates.

All about Jupiter and Saturn and their positions in Signs, Houses and decanates.

All about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and their positions in Signs, Houses and decanates.

Building the Horoscope and the four main points in it. Structure and importance.

Information about the twelve houses and the influences in your life.

Explanation of the astrological aspects (how they are build) what is the purpose of each. 

Main types horoscopes and definition of each,

First prognostic method. Moving Planets and cyles that afect our life.

Second prognostic method. Secondary progression of the Sun, Moon and inner planets. Evolution of the soul.

Third prognostic method. Solar Return (Year horoscope) predicting the upcoming events.

Combining charts and seing the conections and influences.

Understanding the benfits of modern western astrology trough unequal chart systems such as Placidus. Carmic lessons and main themes trough life.

Conection between Astrology and Medicine is so interesting and is important to understand it.

Empty Houses and missings of element, quality or apects in your chart. 

Each lecture is filmed and can be watched online on the website, where all presentation materials are uploaded.

For this purpose, each student gets access to a personal profile with recordings of lectures.

Everyone who is registered gets access to a group in Zoom and has the opportunity for live participation (OnLine).

From 19:00 to 22:00 GMT  every Tuesday and Thursday

Additional dates for exercises and review of sample maps (workshop)
from 12:00 to 18:00 GMT Sunday

17.11.2024 – Exercises from 12:00 to 18:00
15.12.2024 – Exercises from 12:00 to 18:00

19.01.2025 – Exercises from 12:00 to 18:00
16.02.2025 – Exam for completion of the course from 12:00 to 18:00

Each student who successfully completes the course receives: online certificate to Astrology & Beyond ...

A total of 82 astronomical hours

To enroll in the course please call 00359878350399 (Kiril Goranov) or send an inquiry to


Let`s Start Getting New Knowledge and Experience, Together!