My name is Nora Stoycheva and I am a Clinical Psychologist, Bach Therapist, K-power Instructor and Astrologer.
I am an optimist by nature, I love my profession, for me what I do is a vocation, a dream come true, so I am grateful to the Universe for guiding me on the path of my Soul! That is why my goal is to help others discover their mission and vocation! About 8 years ago, when I graduated in Clinical Psychology, I felt that this was my path, I knew I would help people, but it was as if I was missing something, as if I were in the middle of the road until I touched Dr. Bach’s magical Flower Essences and to the vast Astrology.
One of the most important, healing and magical encounters for me was my encounter with Dr. Bach’s Flowers, I discovered them at a time when I was very vulnerable, I felt misunderstood and I needed support to adapt, to adapt. overcome fears and embrace change in your life. The flower essences work so subtly and at the same time in great depth, thus supporting the process of recovery and awareness, and hence the healing process of each of us.
I believe that the harmonization of our inner world happens from the inside out. I help people to return to themselves, to live through their Soul, to synchronize their thoughts, feelings and actions, because I believe that health lies in the balance of the mind-spirit-body system.
In my work I also include various meditative practices, TES, as well as the method K-power Epigenetic healing cycles.
With the help of K-power, fears and hidden conflicts are easily detected, which hinder the development of the personality, release energy blockages and get to the root of the problem significantly quickly. Through the method we have the opportunity to work out birth traumas, fears coming from our ancestors, as well as to deal with problems related to relationships of different nature.
I believe that the world is a mirror and by helping others, we help ourselves! The feeling of change and freedom comes when we discover mental well-being. This is not an easy process, but everyone chooses whether to go in this direction. I’m waiting for you!
Contact: 0889 65 49 60
e-mail: noranstoicheva@gmail.com
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Every module is held ON Line in private ZOOM group and every lecture is recorded and uploaded in personal profile. Every lecture is available online for unlimited time for watching over and over.
Extensive learning – 18 lectures with 3 exercises in two months of active studying and practicing the basic mechanics in Western Astrology.
Long term learning – 18 lectures and 3 exercises in four months of active studying and practicing in the deep mechanics in Western Astrology.
Long term learning – 18 Lectures and 4 exercises in four months of active studying of Western, Indian, Chinese and Kabbalistic Astrology.
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