Let`s do the work...
Beginners 2024 Autumn with Daniela Vitanova
Advanced knowledge of Astrology techniques

Можете да се включите в първата лекция на 03.10.2024 от 19:00 до 22:00 от тук
The course lasts for four months, and the students are provided with the materials from the lectures included in the training (Presentations), online software and unique videos made at the time of the course.
Each recording of the lectures remains open with permanent access for the successful students.
In addition, there is an option to join the next beginner’s course for free, thus increasing the duration to four months.
OnLine training is through a custom ZOOM group.
The terrain on which the course is held is owned by Astrology & beyond …
Всичко е свързано с емоциите и всичко е свързано с начина по, който те отразяват гледната ни точка. А Звездите и планетите са показател за настоящите и бъдещи уроци. Можем да преминем много по-лесно през уроците в живота знаейки какви са актуалните такива и какъв е най-добрия начин за леко преминаване през тях.
Daniela Vitanova
It`s important to contact Daniela Vitanova before enrolling to give you additional information on how the education process is structured.
The origins of astrology (ancient knowledge and modern look). Short history of astrology and the use of it like a tool for self knowledge and self improvement .
The four elements, and the four types of temperament and the three qualies
The first six zodiac signs deep knowledge.
The last six zodiac signs deep knowledge.
All about the Sun and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about the Moon and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about Mercury and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about Venus and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about Mars and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about Jupiter and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about Saturn and its positions in Signs, Houses and decades
All about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and their positions in Signs, Houses and decades
Major points in astrology
Details about the houses
Planet communication trough aspects
Planet communication trough aspects and different types of combinations.
a brief introduction to the different prognostic methods in astrology
Each lecture is filmed and can be watched online on the website http://astrology-beyond.com, where all presentation materials are uploaded.
For this purpose, each student gets access to a personal profile with recordings of lectures.
Everyone who is registered gets access to a group in Zoom and has the opportunity for live participation (OnLine).
From 19:00 to 22:00 GMT every Thursday
Additional dates for exercises and review of sample maps (workshop)
from 12:00 to 18:00 GMT Sunday
10.11.2024 – Exercises from 12:00 to 18:00
24.11.2024 – Exercises from 12:00 to 18:00
12.01.2025 – Exercises from 12:00 to 18:00
09.02.2025 – Exam for completion of the course from 12:00 to 18:00
Each student who successfully completes the course receives: online certificate to Astrology & Beyond ...
Let`s Start Getting New Knowledge and Experience, Together!