Live Sessions and Courses

Course Tarot

Here you will learn the basics of Tarot and meet it`s capabilities.


The course lasts for Two months, and the students are provided with the materials from the lectures included in the training (Presentations), online software and unique videos made at the time of the course.

In addition, there is an option to join the next beginner’s course for free, thus increasing the duration to Two months.

OnLine training is through a custom ZOOM group.

The terrain on which the course is held is owned by Astrology & beyond …

It`s important to contact before enrolling to give you additional information on how the education process is structured


Brief history, basic Tarot card systems (Marseille Tarot, Ryder Waite, Toth Tarot) Tarot structure

Wands from one to ten (the Kabbalistic tree of life)

Swords from one to ten (the Kabbalistic tree of life)

Cups from one to ten (the Kabbalistic tree of life)

Pentacles from one to ten (the Kabbalistic tree of life)

Kings and queens meanings and differences in different systems

Princes and pages (princesses) meanings in different systems

The big rope from the fool to the chariot

The great rope from justice to moderation

The great rope from the devil to the universe

Simple and complex arrangements

Love arrangements

A total of 72 astronomical hours

To enroll in the course please call  or send an inquiry to  o


Let`s Start Getting New Knowledge and Experience, Together!